Stan Grof’s story

Help bring Stan Grof’s story and message to the screen.

Many people have dreamed for years of bringing Stan Grof’s ideas and stories to life … using film, video, and animation.

The idea was to capture Stan’s stories of psychedelic experience, his radical theories about consciousness, and his anecdotes about the birth of transpersonal psychology — preserving these, and even illustrating them, for future generations.

This dream now has the potential to be realized … and your help will make all the difference.

Filmmaker Susan Hess Logeais has been doing preparatory work for two years to create a documentary, Journey of Consciousness, about Stan’s work.

AHBI, Grof Transpersonal Training, and Wisdom University are teaming up with Stan and Christina Grof and invited guests (including Jack Kornfield, Rick Tarnas, and Tav Sparks) to offer an exciting 6-week live TeleSeries beginning May 24 exploring the many aspects of the Holotropic Vision..

The centerpiece of the series will be a Global Holotropic Breathwork day on June 11 in which facilitators all over the world will offer events on the same day. Imagine the field that can be created when hundreds, thousands–even tens of thousands of people all breathe on the same day!

A Holotropic Celebration of Stan and Christina Grof, 23-25 September, 2011

The Association for Holotropic Breathwork, International, invites you to:

A Holotropic Celebration in Honor of Stan and Christina Grof
on the occasion of Stan’s 80th Birthday and Christina’s 70th Birthday.

Join us September 23-25, 2011
at the Joshua Tree Retreat Center in Joshua Tree, California

for a two day celebration of Stan and Christina and an Open Space exploration of the future of Holotropic Breathwork. This event takes place directly before the Insight and Opening retreat with Stan, Christina, Jack Kornfield, and Wes Nisker organized by Grof Transpersonal Training.

Get Your Copy of the Grofs’ New Breathwork Book

The book, Holotropic Breathwork: A New Approach to Self-exploration and Therapy by Stan and Christina Grof has been completed and was published August 1, 2010.

This is the first book by the Grofs that is dedicated to Holotropic Breathwork. It consolidates 35 years of research and practical experience and includes many breathwork mandalas in full color.

Read Renn Butler’s comprehensive review of the book in the Reading Room group on this site at his link.

Order your copy and copies for friends and family from your local bookstore, from online booksellers, or from Grof Transpersonal Training (especially good for ordering multiple copies).

Breathwork Breakthrough Campaign 2010/2012

On May 17, 2010, AHBI launched a major initiative – the Breathwork Breakthrough Campaign – to increase the awareness and availability of Holotropic Breathwork.

Our goal is to double the number of Holotropic Breathwork workshops per calendar quarter, on a global basis, between now and the end of 2012!

Our strategy to accomplish this is:

  • to increase public awareness about Holotropic Breathwork and
  • to better equip those who are offering workshops to be successful.

Increasing Awareness

Our first step in increasing awareness is to promote the upcoming book by Stan and Christina Grof, Holotropic Breathwork: A New Approach to Therapy and Self-Exploration. An anonymous donor is paying for copies of the book to be distributed to AHBI Regular and Sustaining members. If you are a Regular ($65/year) AHBI Member you will receive a signed copy of the paperback edition of the this book in place of an August Inner Door Issue. AHBI Members in the new Sustaining Member Category ($250/year) will receive a signed copy of the hardback edition of the new book in place of an August Inner Door.

Increasing Availability

As our first step in improving the availability of workshops, we are performing the first ever survey of the global community to determine the current status of Holotropic Breathwork in practice. The results of the survey will provide the basis for specific projects to increase the awareness and availability of Holotropic Breathwork.

Stand up and be counted – take the Breathwork Breakthrough Survey!

You can get started doing your part for the Breathwork Breakthrough Campaign by taking the online survey (it will need five to fifteen minutes of your time, depending on which groups of questions you choose to ask).

At the end of the survey you can sign up to receive news of progress in the campaign, and find out about opportunities to participate in selecting and implementing projects.

Please urge anyone you know who is interested in Holotropic Breathwork to take the survey – that is the only way we will get a good picture of what people are interested in in workshops and find ways to make workshops more available around the world.

Thanks for your interest in and support of Holotropic Breathwork.